The Heir
阿根廷 / 60 分钟共3集



Our story begins 10 years ago. An afternoon like any other, Dolores Sánchez Alé decides to visit the orphanage of which she is the godmother, with her granddaughters, Pilar (16) and Rosario (14), who usually go with her. While Dolores checks some administrative issues, the girls go around the orphanage gardens. Pilar, once again, manages to convince her sister to stay playing at the swings while she sneaks to visit Jesus Reyes, one of the boys who lives there. Rosario already knows of this romance, so she agrees to cover her sister. Pilar and Jesús meet as usual, in a secluded corner of the garden, a shelter of sorts known only to them. That very afternoon, Jesus gives Pilar a ring, basic and handmade by him. But for Pilar it is precious, more valuable than an emerald, because it means the promise of love, come what may. They promise to get married as soon as Jesus is able to leave the orphanage, at 18.
