שם מקורי
以色列 / 80 分钟



Dozens of checkpoints lie scattered throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip, manned by the Israeli Defence Forces. Thousands of Palestinians pass through them every day, making them one of the major meeting points between both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Many different encounters occur at these checkpoints each and every day, revealing a reality with its own rules and regulations, a reality that has a destructive impact on both societies. Filmed over two years, 'Checkpoint' depicts the harsh and banal routine of these crossing points and documents the day-to-day situations that form a microcosm of the situation. The cameras film in a pure and non-manipulative manner so that the viewer feels part of the experience of 'checkpoint culture'. The film is an attempt to show the more human side of the situation, and, as with any such depiction, will show all aspects of the human condition - from the 'jobsworth' IDF recruits refusing to allow any variation from their 'orders', from the most obnoxious of members of the border security police at the Bethlehem checkpoint through to the very humane IDF soldier at the Nablus South checkpoint, we are presented with young men who are ultimately responsible for the overseeing of their country's security. Balanced by this is the terrible plight of how the situation affects 'ordinary' Palestinians. An ambulance stopped and searched, ditto a school bus - both will ensure a lot of anger at such depictions - until it is understood that both modes of transport have been used in the past for the carrying of explosives. It does not alter the impact on the Palestinians themselves - the checkpoints are mostly unacceptable. BUt the film at least humanises the process and delves behind some of the headline news. 《一步一關卡》是一部故事相對簡單的電影,導演Shamir(2003)花了三年時間,在西岸加薩地帶多個以巴邊境,紀錄巴勒斯坦人民過境的情況。因為政局問題,不論只是去看醫生還是下班回家,巴勒斯坦人越過城鎮邊境時,都必須向以軍出示過境文件,但這又不能保證每次都能成功過關。對這種長期煩擾,巴勒斯坦人當然免不了憤怒,與以軍交涉,但更常的是一面無奈;另一方面,以軍長年累月重複相同的工作,也變得麻木。 全片幾乎全無旁白,整整八十三分鐘都是在拍攝巴勒斯坦人與以色列兵在邊境的交涉過程。巴人日復一日所受的遭遇,已告訴讀者誰被誰欺壓;以兵那種賤視巴人的心態與態度,令人看得非常不舒服。兩國衝突一天持續,這種荒謬一天仍會存在。若一時的忍耐能換來長久的安定,我想那是值得的;但當衝突無了期,雙方都拒絕和解時,人民除了無辜地受害外,還可以做甚麼呢?幾十年來的衝突,哪一天才會完結?

