Sleeping Pills
美国 / 85 分钟



Tarika, a supposed expert in Applied Probability, gets a job with a cutting-edge transportation company, Dymotran (Dynamic Modular Transportation), and develops a romantic interest in his attractive new boss and EVP, Charlotte. Having presented himself to his new employers as a square-toed professional, Tarika is embarrassed when Charlotte discovers that his closest friends are playful misfits with little to no professional aspirations. In spite of apparent compatibility issues, Tarika and Charlotte begin to develop a relationship. Tarika reconsiders his choice of friends after his on-again off-again love interest, Tricia, makes out with Kevin, his close friend and proverbial ringmaster, during a surreal birthday party in a kitschy Mexican restaurant (complete with cliff divers and Mariachi bands). Tarika struggles to decide which life suits him best and as is his tendency, develops somewhat of an over-attachment to Charlotte.
