Autour de Mair
法国,加拿大 / 91 分钟



The documentary Autour de Maïr, traces the long and exhausting road that led to the recognition of literature by women. For many centuries, their writing was considered to belong to the domestic sphere, to concerns involving the home or family correspondence. It was long held that women could only write letters or their private diaries. "For me, reaching out to literature was like emerging from the wilderness," says Jeanne Hyvrard. Co-founder and first director of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute (Montreal 1978), Maïr Verthuy introduced the first course in women's literature at Canadian universities and opened the way for women's writing to be published, read, taught, and translated. Interviews with the following: feminists, feminine poets, Québec and French women writers: Madeleine Gagnon, Jeanne Hyvrard, Hélène Monette, Martine Delvaux, Gloria Escomel, Liliane Kandel, Wassyla Tamzali, Benoîte Groult. DOCUMENTAIRE de 91 min.
