Avant-Garde 2: Experimental Cinema from 1928-1954
美国,法国 / 341 分钟共3集



In the latter half of the 20th Century, Raymond Rohauer was one of the nation's foremost proponents of experimental cinema. This two-disc collection continues Kino's tribute to the Rohauer Collection, including the early works of Stan Brakhage and influential films by Willard Maas, Gregory Markopoulos, Marie Menken, Dimitri Kirsanoff, Jean Mitry, Sidney Peterson and others. The piece de resistance is Jean Isidore Isou's passionate manifesto of film aesthetics Traite de Bave et d'Èternite; (Venom and Eternity), which sparked a riot when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 1951. This edition of Venom includes 34 minutes of footage never seen in the United States. Music composed and performed by Sue Harshe, Larry Marotta and Jon C. Mirsalis Produced for video by Bret Wood Production superviser: Brian Shirey Special thanks to Tim Lanza Licensed by the Douris Corp.
