A Glaring Emission
美国 / 88 分钟



A Glaring Emission is a comedy about Brian Maximilian Torro: a liar, a multi-millionaire, and a self-proclaimed genius. Torro has set up a fake business in England in order to take advantage of environmental laws that were put into action by the 1997 Kyoto Accords. England limits the carbon dioxide that companies can put out, and so large companies that must overproduce can purchase carbon dioxide quotas from companies that under-produce. Torro's company, Averadyne, actually produces absolutely no product, and is in fact only a company on paper, but they trade their large underproduction quota that England gives them for a 100% profit venture. BS is his business. Torro is a man of material. He has a gorgeous but completely vacuously stupid girlfriend, Cally, whose sole purpose in life is to live off a rich man and stay as perpetually drunk as possible. He lives as richly as possible through his lies, and it brings him satisfaction.

