Começar de Novo
巴西 / 45 分钟共196集



"Começar de Novo" is the big love story of Miguel Arcanjo, a son of rich russian immigrants who came to the brazilian city Ouro Negro in search of fortune, and Letícia, the daughter of the mighty Lucrécia Borges. Lucrécia became the worst enemy of Mikhail Karamazov after he had become one of the most successful businessmen of Ouro Negro. She refused to accept the success of a foreigner and decided to do everything in order to separate her daughter from his son, Miguel. However, they loved each other. Miguel gave Letícia the half of a precious russian medal which his family had had for generations. The couple decided to elope, but unfortunately they were attacked by armed men who were sent to stop them from running away. Letícia was taken away and Miguel was severely injured. Miguel`s parents rushed to the hospital to find their son, but were killed in a mysterious accident.
