Yiddish: A Tale of Survival
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"Yiddish: a tale of survival" is a feature-length documentary about the resilience and survival of Yiddish language and culture since the Holocaust. The grassroots efforts to maintain the viability of Yiddish is captured via the stories of three individuals - Yiddish performers and activists - representing three generations of Yiddish speakers since the Holocaust. Before the second world war, Yiddish was the vernacular of over 11 million Jewish people worldwide. During the Holocaust a majority of the world's Yiddish speakers were annihilated. After the war, the language of Jewish communities all over the world, including Israel, became Hebrew. As a result, the Yiddish culture - language, literature, and theatre - was nearly destroyed leaving many wondering whether Yiddish had any future at all. Today, there are fewer than 2 million Yiddish speakers in the world. This documentary chronicles three Yiddish performers and advocates.

