Starlight & Superfish
美国 / 82 分钟



Nick appears in his apartment - confused and disoriented. He discovers he can't move anything. He can't open the medicine cabinet, can't pick up a Perrier bottle, can't even feed his fish! A naturally nervous person, Nick panics. Suddenly, a British glam-rock band bursts in the door. The band informs Nick that he is dead, and he's stuck in his apartment. To escape, he must learn all the valuable life lessons he ignored while he was alive. Then, he will be judged by God and sent either to Heaven or Hell - a jarring concept for an atheist. With the rock band serving as his modern-day Greek chorus, Nick must rely on Rex, the hot-headed, half-drunken lead singer as his spiritual guide to avoid the fiery pits of Hell. Further complicating matters is the new tenant, Beth. An evangelical Christian who is unaware that Nick and the other spirits are sharing the apartment with her, Beth is undergoing a harrowing transformation of her own. She just left her husband. She has no job.

