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15-year old Fatou and her friends Betty and Kim are looking for love but confusing it with sex. One night after a striptease game with a group of boys Fatou is raped. Afterwards she denies it ever happened, even to herself. But one day the truth catches up with her. Honest about the truth First of all, this movie is really good. The acting is good, not great, but good. The plot is like the other Swedish teenage movies, BUT, this one is really well done, and it's honest in every way. There is a rape scene in the movie, it's really hard to watch. What i mean, don't compare this movie with the other. Think of this as it is just ONE movie. The music in the movie is good and one thing that is really sad is that the young guy in the movie, who plays "Ville" is dead. He died in a car accident some days after they made the movie, and he was dead when it came to the cinemas.
