Touching Evil:War Relief
英国 / 90 分钟



Part I: Three men are found dead,each corpse has a hole in the head but has been carefully washed,perfumed and wrapped in a white shroud as if in a ritual burial. The common link is that they all served in the Bosnian war,working for a relief agency. CCTV cameras capture the identity of the possible murderer,Jim Keller,a man who was also in Bosnia but believed to be dead. Part II: Jim Keller goes on the run but when the team speak to his wife Ann,it transpires that he was so haunted by his experiences in Bosnia that he wanted to forget them and in his own perverted way is doing the same for the colleagues he knew there whom he is now killing and ritually 'burying'. They eventually trace him to a deserted warehouse where he has brought his next victim and DS rivers is particularly heroic in attempting to safely apprehend him.

