Films That Suck
美国 / 83 分钟



Read Ridley's independent films acquired minor cult status in Europe. Intrigued, Rolling Stone Magazine Germany sends reporter Andy Morris to Nashville to do a cover story on Ridley and intends to break the indie film story before the mainstream media discovers him. In Nashville, Andy Morris discovers that Read Ridley is a hard man to track down. Nobody seems to know the guy or how to find him. Andy Morris rents some of Ridley's movies and is horrified to discover his movies in fact, suck, big time. What's worse, he finds himself completely unable to persuade anyone else that Ridley is a joke, including his editor who demands the story and will get it with or without his cooperation. Morris is being tortured from all sides. Ridley himself is plunged into his own particular hell as he makes the rounds to hustle up money to complete yet another awful movie.
