A Lot Like You
美国,坦桑尼亚 / 88 分钟



Seattle-based filmmaker Eliaichi Kimaro is a mixed-race, first-generation American. Her Tanzanian father and Korean mother were career economists, working for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, respectively. Eliaichi grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC, surrounded by her mother's side of the family. But her Tanzanian connection was more remote. Her father was the only one in his family to leave his village and Chagga tribe on Mt. Kilimanjaro. So most of what Eliaichi knew about her Chagga culture came from her father's childhood stories. When she was older, and in an interracial relationship of her own, Eliaichi wanted to better understand this world her father had left behind when he was 18. When Dr. Kimaro retired in 2002 and moved back to Tanzania for good, Eliaichi decided to follow him and make a film about this culture she would one day pass down to her kids...

