El sueño del caimán
墨西哥 / 102 分钟



Beautifully rendered in stunning Black-and-white, this dark comedy evokes the classic Mexican cinema of the 50s and Latino soap opera in equal measure. Inaki is a young man living in Spain who has joined up with an elderly man to become a petty thief. A routine robbery goes awry when the old man dies unexpectedly, and Inaki finds himself on the run. He returns to Mexico to hide out for a while in the rooming house where his father Patxi lives with his brother, El Caiman; the house is run by an upbeat drag queen named Aunt Carmen. Inaki begins dating Carmen's niece, which fuels Carmen's hopes that the young man will become a doctor. But Patxi and Caiman are wise to the boys past, and soon he finds himself moving once again toward crime. All of the characters are motivated by a common dream of liberation, which they navigate clumsily towards.

