The Events Leading Up to My Death
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Of the Snack siblings - twenty-seven year old Lindsay, twenty-one year old Angus and eighteen year old Katy - Angus is the only one to have "escaped" the repressed life with their parents, physician Jack and homemaker Joanne, by moving out of the family's suburban Toronto home. Theirs is a dysfunctional family where no one truly communicates with each other, no one seems happy, but each who funnels their energies into an activity. Joanne cooks and bakes, and dotes on Angus to the exclusion of such doting on her daughters. Lindsay creates art - bad art - she who always believes someone is touching her face. Katy has lots of sex with several different partners, that is until she met her current "love", Rhett, whose religious beliefs do not allow for sex before marriage. Angus is stoically controlling, like his father. Angus also doesn't realize that he is manipulative like his father. No one relates to Jack because of the way he is. Jack feels he is becoming more liberated through his ...

