Die Taube auf dem Dach
德国 / 90 分钟



两个男人之间的女人。LindaHinrichs是德国东南部一个大型建筑工地的年轻现场经理。她遇到了一个叫丹尼尔的学生,很快就和这个冲动、热情的年轻人发生了关系。但经验丰富的建筑工人B_我们也爱上了迷人的前妻。他甚至向她求婚,使她吃惊。但无论是不稳定的劳动者,还是不墨守成规的丹尼尔,都无法真正从琳达那里得到承诺。她保持了自己的独立性,走自己的路……这部电影讲述了在建造一个工厂前的住宅区期间发生的争吵、酗酒和滥交。这部电影被指控“扭曲工人阶级的形象”,由于其公开的戏剧作品被德法工作室的权力视为“艺术错误”,1973年在东德被禁止上映。彩色负片没有存活下来。只有重新发现一个严重受损的彩色印刷品,从中制作黑白双面底片和印刷品,才能重建和筛选艾丽丝·古斯纳的电影。 A woman between two men. Linda Hinrichs is a young site manager at a large building site in southern East Germany. She meets a student named Daniel and soon starts an affair with the impulsive, fervent young man. But veteran construction worker Böwe is also in love with the attractive forewoman. He even surprises her with a marriage proposal. But neither the unstable labourer, nor non-conformist Daniel really manages to get a commitment from Linda. She maintains her independence and follows her own path … The film is a look at brawling, alcohol abuse, and promiscuity during the construction of a pre-fab housing estate. Accused of “distorting the image of the working class”, and deemed by virtue of its open dramatic composition to be an “artistic mistake” by the powers that be at DEFA Studios, the film was banned from release in East Germany in 1973. The colour negative did not survive. Only after a heavily damaged colour print was rediscovered, from which a black-and-white dupe negative and print were made, could Iris Gusner’s film be reconstructed and screened.

