Ein Baby zum Verlieben
德国 / 90 分钟



Leo Fink, a policeman of the road traffic service has great problems with his neighbor from above,Antonia Sandmann.Today he was working on a model of road traffic organization with his computer.Antonia comes home with her baby Felix, takes a bath in the bathtub and forgets to turn of the tap.Then the water goes down through the wall,falls on the computer of Leo that explodes.All his model of road traffic is destroyed.Later Antonia has forgotten the key of the apartment and she lets the baby with Leo Fink.Leo has discovered that taking care of a baby will help him to attract the attention of Dr. Vera Becker, the chief of road traffic authority and so I shall present his new idea of road traffic organization.Antonia lives like a single mother, because the father of Felix ,Georg Kriewitz doesn't want to build a family and hasn't spoken with his father about his grandson.Leo needs a secretary and Antonia found a old typewriter and help to write his project.
