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1907年至1925年间出生的六名妇女回顾“她们”的世纪。导演们用一系列复杂的问题来引出他们的主题经验——“你对你的出生了解多少?”你小时候最喜欢吃什么?你告诉过生活的真相吗?你的初吻是什么样的?你第一次月经?你对未来的梦想是什么?你觉得变老怎么样?“他们的许多声音和记忆的蒙太奇产生了一个紧密编织的口述历史,在其中,女性特有的常数和个人经历具有同等的突出性。第二次世界大战代表了这些妇女生活中的一个决定性点,其中一个是纳粹党的成员,另一个是战后加入社会民主党的成员……妇女们回答了最贴心的问题,有时很容易,有时很犹豫。在我的皮肤下被拍摄到离拍摄对象非常近的地方,把它变成了一部以令人印象深刻的图像呈现历史的电影。一次又一次,充满艺术色彩的特写镜头生动地将过去想象成衰老的身体上留下的痕迹。 Six women born between 1907 and 1925 look back at “their” century. The directors use a series of sophisticated questions to draw out the experiences of their subjects – “What do you know about your birth? What was your favourite food as a child? Were you told the facts of life? What was your first kiss like? Your first menstruation? What were your dreams for the future? How do you feel about getting older?” The montage of their many voices and memories produces a tightly-woven oral history, in which constants specific to women and individual experiences have equal prominence. World War II represents a decisive point in the lives of these women, one of whom was a member of the Nazi Party and another of whom joined the Social Democrats after the war … The women answer the most intimate of questions, sometimes readily, sometimes hesitantly. Under My Skin was shot in extreme proximity to its subjects, turning it into a film that renders history in impressive images. Over and again, artfully lit close-ups vividly re-imagine the past as the traces left on aging bodies.

