La cathédrale
毛里求斯 / 78 分钟



Every day, Lina wakes up in the morning, tidies up the house, brings some tea to her hard-working father and to her hypochondriac mother, and runs out as soon as she can. What is she running from? Even she doesn't know. She goes to the Saint-Louis cathedral, where she meets her friend Ram, an ice lolly seller, who shares with her his simple human wisdom; Sanjay, the shy student who loves her secretly and tries in vain to muster up the courage to tell her; and all her other friends, who feel her charm and her grace as a secret light, when she dances on the steps in front of the cathedral. Of the cathedral, she only knows the stone steps on which she sits or dances. And yet, the cathedral, who is telling us this story, waits for her every day and embraces her with its mystical presence without her being aware of it. Yet, on this particular day, the routine of Lina's days is changed. A stranger, a photographer looking for unusual images of the island, happens to see her while she is ...
