The Missing Stories
美国 / 71 分钟



"I like that feeling of just being here, but I'm afraid of stepping in that direction." Dave, a young man in his mid twenties, wanders alone along Ocean Parkway; connecting only to the world seen through the lens of a video camera. Currently he is at a cross roads in his life due to the tragic death of his mother. In the midst of this he meets a young woman who, not unlike himself, shares his feelings of isolation. As a victim of mental illness- she too is trapped and unable to move forward in her life. Together, they struggle to make sense of the world, which surrounds them, and mark their journey of self-discovery while making a documentary film about Dave's dysfunctional family. What starts out as a way to connect to something tangible instead opens up a Pandora's box of secrets, truths and unavoidable heartache. Dave's family which comprises of his schizophrenic father Charles, his angry older sister Jen, and family friend Gary- unwittingly allow him to come to terms with where he...

