Side Show
美国 / 108 分钟



For Marvin Lemke all he has wanted all his life was to lift saddened hearts everywhere, but life is taking a big dump on him. Living up to the "Clown's Code" (Never leave someone unhappy) has always been hard but today has been especially hard. Not only has today been the date of his divorce proceedings, he is being pursued by strong armed extortionist priests who are looking to settle a score with "a clown" and any would do just fine. His psychiatrist won't listen to him, he is late to his own divorce, and he has little to look forward to. That is till convicted serial "clown killer clown" Randolph Scott Lacey, the infamous "Ring Master" escapes from prison and captures his soon to be ex-wife. Marvin must then resolve his battle between saving her from "the Ring Master" and living up the the "Clown's Code." Little does Marvin know that if he can live up to true "clowniness" glory is just a horn honk away.
