My Father's Daughter
美国 / 87 分钟



My Father's Daughter is the story of a family that moves from Delhi to Dallas and the adjustments they endure as a result of their changing environment. The story explores many facets of family dynamics. Kantiram, the "head of the family", is a doting yet controlling father while Shanta, his wife, is a practical and open-minded mother that acclimates to the USA much better than Kantiram. Rohit, their son, is at an experimental and carefree stage in his life, until a traumatic event makes him question his significance in the family. However, the story revolves around the central character Tara, Kantiram and Shanta's daughter. Through her affectionate and compassionate nature, Tara tries to relate to her father's struggles in finding his identity in a new culture and a family environment with new dynamics. Tara, although very independent in her beliefs realizes that the assertion of these beliefs would only weaken the already emotionally unstable condition of her father. Rather than ...
