The Rain Has Stopped
英国 / 55 分钟



David, a shy and unsuccessful door-to-door salesman is having a bad day. It's raining, he's working a long street, and the locals are doing their best to make his life hell. In one house, an emotionally unbalanced girl takes a shine to him and tries to stop him from leaving. In another house, a naked couple invite him to join in their sex games and try to take his clothes off. In the next house, a seemingly nice old lady gets him to stick his head into a cupboard full of dead, maggot-infested pigeons. After finding himself dragged into a violent domestic dispute, David retreats to a nearby café, only to receive a phone call from his boss telling him that he has to make at least one sale today or he'll be fired. David's mood changes from trepidation and despair into something much darker. He feels like all the homeowners are conspiring against him. The next one to let him in is going to get it.

