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To appreciate the spirit of climbing doesn't require practice, technical prowess, or any serious effort at all. The simple act of unencumbered movement can reveal worlds of truth to the climber with an open mind. Joe Kinder and Chris Lindner have spent most of their lives in the fast-paced world of professional climbing. In a sport that requires endless motivation and supreme confidence, there are constant pressures and expectations that would test the moral fiber of any person. Instead, Joe and Chris have found a way to explore the clouds with their feet firmly planted in the ground. On their most recent journey, the duo teamed up with Collette McInerney, Luke Parady, and Vanessa Compton to explore the treasures of California's coastline. Join them as they venture through the delicate beaches of Arcata, the stunning limestone of the Trinity Aretes, the historical shores of Mickey's Beach, and the alpine stone of Donner Summit. For the next hour, immerse yourself in the natural spray ...

