The Parchene Conspiracy
美国 / 90 分钟



Aliens known as the Parchene, originally birds who became intelligent but were expelled from Earth millions of years ago, want to regain control for their breeding male known as the Fertile. This action brings another species into conflict with the Krellus (an aquatic species) who have been given the Core Charter of Ownership for the planet. The Krellus are secretive and benevolent, the perfect guides to bring Earth into the galactic community. A news reporter is pulled into this alien conflict by someone she calls "the secret insider" who drops clues about the strange events surrounding the aliens. After the murder of 11 human negotiators, she (the reporter) with further insider information encourages a legal trial to bring out the truth. The truth however is well hidden in a conspiracy aimed at gaining the charter of ownership for earth. It turns out the Fertile isn't the helpless breeder most of the Parchene females have been led to believe. Although ownership of the planet is far ...
