Louis the Fourteenth Street
美国 / 50 分钟



Cuckolded king Louis the Fourteenth Street vows vengeance on his murderous second wife Mary Antionette. A beautiful princess imprisoned in a dungeon, a lusty wet nurse, a charming Greenish Blonde Prince, a bleeding royal ghost, and a voracious guillotine round out the cast of this experimental, color-saturated, digital, scary fairy tale of a featurette. As the movie opens Mary Antionette, the newly crowned Queen of "Kingdom Comme", is frolicking in the Royal Garden with the Royal Gardener, while her liege lord King Louis the Fourteenth Street is riding in his solid gold carriage, greeting his peasants, and being pelted with rotten vegetables and other unmentionables. He is worried because he has discovered in a letter from his daughter Princess Fleur-De-Lys that she has run off with a band of traveling troubadours. In truth, the evil stepmother Marie Antionette has locked the princess in a dungeon and written the spurious letter - this after murdering the king's first wife, Queen ...
