Alter Ego: A Worldwide Documentary About Graffiti Writing
德国 / 62 分钟



This movie takes you on a journey to nine major cities around the world and reflects on this (sub)cultural phenomenon through the eyes of 17 individuals such as Daim, T-Kid, Ewok, Nunca, Saber and so forth. These 63 minutes give you impressions beyond tags, throw ups and pieces. Tags, throwups and pieces are part of almost every major cityscape around the world, and are more or less part of our everyday life. Alter Ego takes you to 9 major cities around the world and into the lifes of some very passionate individuals standing behind those written identities, walking the borderline between creation and destruction, art and vandalism. They describe the motivation that drives them to paint the streets, explaining their work and their personal backgrounds what graffiti is, what it means to them. The camera follows them into places, one would hardly see on their own, shows them on their urban missions as well as their studios and homes. Most of the featured artists pursue a professional career already, either as artists or designers or in fields not related to art at all. They come from different social backgrounds, different countries and cultures, but they all have one thing in common - the love for their creation and expression, and everything that comes out of it.
