Sore Losers
美国 / 125 分钟



Set in Chicago of current times, the world of gambling, booking, and collecting. You won't believe what you are gonna see happen right before your eyes as you are taken inside the life of one of the largest underground bookies in the Midwest, who finds himself surrounded by a web of violence, murder, addiction, and underground gambling. Based on true stories of a group of guys growing up on the mean streets of Chicago, you'll enter a world of violence and deceit that destroys everything in its path as gambling, betting, and booking lead to a roller coaster of lies, greed, and murder. Life, love, friendship, and family are all put to the test as their lives are justified through the good and evil of the underground gambling world of Chicago. Cops, lawyers, stock traders, and businessmen alike are all intertwined in this dark and unforgiving explicit drama.

