Ghosts-Schumann's Visit
德国 / 57 分钟



Robert Schumann is still among us. The other classical, long dead composers, haven't taken any interest in us in a long time. But Schumann, like some dead writers, is here. He never misses an interesting concert, and he is up to date on literature and politics. Beware, critics! Schumann reads what you write and he doesn't necessarily approve of your judgment. Why am i so sure? Partly of course because one has such a very clear idea of his personality through his letters, his diaries, his publications and his music. His contradictions are familiar and dear : cranky, cheerful, lonely, sociable;, enjoyed playing with his children but didn't want them to bother him; keenly enjoyed admiring and broadcasting the talents of others, could not stand having his own talent overlooked; loved food and drink, but stopped eating and drinking; could feel romantic about men and women, both dead and alive - stop. There's the tip off: Schumann himself didn't draw a big distinction between those who are ...

