How to be England Manager
英国 / 57 分钟



England fan Tim Lovejoy pulls together advice from former England managers, players and celebrity fans, including Sven Goran-Eriksson, Graham Taylor, John Gorman, John Barnes and many more, to offer Roy Hodgson the best possible support as he takes on the challenge of the country's second most important job. Taylor talks about how difficult it is to pick a squad after a long season when the players are either tired, injured or both. Sven remembers the heartbreak of telling players they weren't in the team and reminds us that professional footballers need to be spoken to like adults. Tim also looks at how the managers got the job, discusses who is really in charge, how helpful the FA are and how annoyed managers and players get with the media. He looks at potential banana skins for managers, how to keep the fans singing your praises, and what fashion and style the England manager should display.

