Shaqami Dr Qassimlu
伊拉克,英国 / 91 分钟



After nearly getting caught by the dreaded "Bat Guards" for placing political posters, Hawar meets the lovely Hiro, a young girl who offers him shelter and helps him hide from the brutal secret police. In Hiro, Hawar finds a kindred spirit that like himself yearns for freedom and self-expression under a suppressive regime. Hiro's brother Shooresh supports Hawaar's underground activities and is sympathetic to Hawaar's feelings for his sister. But Hiro's cousin Houmayoun is also courting Hiro. He has long set his eye on the girl, and his dubious loyalties and secret dealings with the government put the three others, and all they aspire to, at risk. They set out to flee to neighboring Turkey, but the journey puts them in even more danger than they were in before.

