Cinema Company
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As Paul Cheriyan (Basil) prepares to leave for his office, he sees several people coming into his building. He asks a watchman about it, and learns that a boy has died in an accident, to which his friends bore witness. Paul goes to where the dead boy's friends are mourning and cursing themselves, and then returns to his apartment, where he starts thinking about his own friends and where they might be now. He recalls Parvathi (Hariharan), also called Paru, who carried a ukulele with her and sang jingles on air, then Varghese Panikkar (Sanjeev), a rich friend of his who wanted to be a director and always carried a sketch pad and a camera. He next thinks about Fazal (Badri), also called Ikka, a writer who received many awards for his books. He was in love with a rich girl named Roshni (Lakshmi). Paul then reflects on his own former dream to be an actor. The four friends had intended to make a film together, but things did not work out and the project was abandoned. Paul returns to Kochi,...

