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黑山 / 80 分钟



One night, in his dream, Bore Lee hears a voice which tells him that in East, in the land of hard hills, one little, but proud people suffer injustice from Evil Witch. Evil Witch and her husband have abused mythic golden nunchacas, the symbol of freedom of that people! The people are hungry, injustice, bribes, corruption and terror rules in Zabjelo! Free-minded Zabjelians are outlawed! Bore dives into the sea and emerges within Zabjelian territorial waters, where he is greeted by the oldest Zabjelian dissident and his children - Bore is long-awaited liberator! Aware of significance of this adventure, he studiously train and studies Zabjelian history, geography and sociology. Tormented by homesickness and high temperatures ( 40°C), he successfully disguises and defies Evil Witch. The adventure begins...
