La voce naturale
意大利 / 90 分钟



2009 – colore – 90’ Direction: Alessandro Fabrizi Cinematography: Roberto De Amicis, Enrico Parenti Editing: Barbara Galli Music: Gianluca Misiti Cast: Noel Arthur, Isabelle Byloos, Ken Cheeseman, Christian Crahay, Luca De Bei, Paula Langton, Kristin Linklater, Manuela Mandracchia, Laura Mazzi, Gabriele Parrillo, Marco Quaglia, Alessandro Quattro, Maya Sansa, Fabrice Scott, Kate Udall, Valentino Villa Producers: Andrea Petrozzi, Alessandro Fabrizi Production: World Video Production con la collaborazione di Fourlab SYNOPSIS Stromboli, Sicily. Kristin Linklater (voice teacher and text coach) leads an international group of 15 actors through a journey of exploration of their own voices and several tales from Ovid's Metamorphoses in the English version by Ted Hughes. It is the first step of the process that eventually led to a theatre production (Metamorphoses - 7 Tales From Ovid, to be presented to the islanders). An island that is an active volcano, Stromboli offers an inspiring set for this kind of exploration: the actors' voices and the stories from Ovidio resonate in an environment of fire, water, wind, black sand and rocks. It is a constantly changing landscape evoking the continual metamorphosis of its elements. The actors and their voices change in response to the stimuli that come from the island, the Linklater technique, and the images of the 7 stories. And all of that under the eyes of the theatre director who absorbs, digests, and will give a communicative shape to what has been stirred up. Thus the theme of the film is metamorphosis; on the other hand isn't that what an actor does for a job? Through metamorphosis, transformation… CRITICAL NOTE “Not a common film, but a radical experience, an artistic hardcore excursion that trespasses a threshold beyond which we are not usually allowed to see… Alessandro Fabrizi, also a theatre director, leads us into the mysteries of a text coming to life, through the workshop by the Scottish voice trainer and text coach, Kristin Linklater, the author of a psychophysical method, which revolutionized, over the past 40 years, art and vocal and gestural technique. It's a kind of living Lettrism, since its performers are driven to self-produce transformations, to expose to metamorphosis their intelligence, bodies, limbs, postures, gestures, moans, murmurs, impulses, and are strongly incited on matters of identity, self-perception, inhibition, freedom, sociability, affectivity…” (Roberto Silvestri, Il Manifesto) MAYA SANSA - BIOGRAPHY Maya Sansa was born in Rome to an Italian mother and an Iranian father. After leaving the high school she moved to England where she was admitted to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. During her studies at GSMD in London, she was noticed by Marco Bellocchio who chose her as the protagonist of his film The wet-nurse in 1999 and with whom in 2003 he worked again in Good morning, night. After working as a protagonist in important Italian films by directors such as Marco Tullio Giordana (The best of youth), Fiorella Infascelli (Il vestito da sposa), Carlo Mazzacurati (An Italian romance), Maya began to work also in France, starring in several films, including a TV film by Claude Goretta Sartre, L'âge des passiones (2006), the film with an excellent cast Female agents with Sophie Marceau et Julie Depardieu up to the last Voyez comme ils dansent by Claude Miller (2010). As to TV also Einstein (2007) directed by Liliana Cavani and David Copperfield (2008) directed by Ambrogio Lo Giudice are to be mentioned. Now she lives in Paris. AWARDS 1999 Golden Globes, Italy: Rivelazione dell’anno (La balia) 2002 Annecy Festival: Best Actress (Benzina) 2003 Festival di Venezia: Pasinetti Award (Buongiorno, notte) 2004 Golden Globes, Italy: Best Actress (Buongiorno, notte) 2004 Nastri d'Argento: with all the female cast for La meglio gioventù 2006 Festival EuropaCinema: Best Actress (In ascolto) 2009 RomaFictionFest: Best Actress (Einstein) FILMOGRAFIA 1998 La balia 1999 Terra di nessuno 2001 Benzina 2001 Fratelli di sangue 2002 Il vestito da sposa 2003 La meglio gioventù 2003 Buongiorno, notte 2004 Contronatura 2004 L'amore ritrovato 2006 Il prossimo tuo 2006 In ascolto - The Listening 2007 Fuori dalle corde 2007 Les femmes de l'ombre 2007 La troisième partie du monde 2008 Villa Amalia 2008 Giving Voice - La voce naturale 2009 Heaven on earth 2009 L'uomo che verrà 2010 Un altro mondo 2010 Voyez comme ils dansent

