Madame Oola Mystery Series
美国 / 22 分钟



Our mystery series follows Evie, a teen struggling to solve her great aunt's murder as she becomes the unwitting heir to an enchanted diamond that brings her great powers and great danger from those who've already killed for it. It begins when Sasha's psychic great aunt Oola dies from a fall in their kitchen, the coroner rules it accidental, but Sasha knows it's murder. She's been hearing Aunt Oola's voice. Sasha and her friends follow the clues to a Chinatown shop where they learn Oola'd been selling precious jewels -- part of a legendary cache stolen from the Empress of Mexico and hidden in the Cahuenga Pass.. We learn that the voice Sasha hears comes from La Sirena, the Empress' enchanted diamond. Whenever the gem passes to its next rightful owner, it calls her in the voice of the owner before. The diamond has brought Sasha extraordinary powers, but also great danger. With the help of her friends, Sasha struggles to stay strong, master her powers, unravel the mystery and find ...

