Qart Qadesh: The City of Light
美国 / 53 分钟



Qart Qadesh is the true story of the Canaanite city of Qadesh from 1330-25 BCE in the time of King Tut. Qart Qadesh begins, logically in the city of Qadesh. In the palace, the King, Sutarna prepares with the chief Kohan, Benel, for the Festival of Ra'ash Yeni. They then perform a sacrifice of wine. Sutarna meets with his son in law, Etakkama, who disrespects the Gods. Sutarna thinks it's the gods that win battles whilst Etakkama believes in Millitary Stregnth. This leads Sutarna to threaten disinheriting Etakkama, who then plots to poison Sutarna, with the help of Latuha the clown. Then, they all go up onto the roof of the palace to drink. The Clown poisons Sutarna, then leaves. The guards catch the clown. Etakkama questions the clown and decides Biryawaza, king of Dimashq, is behind the poisoning even though it was really just Etakkama himself that poisoned Sutarna. And meanwhile in Dimashq, Mutba'al, the King of the Apirut plots with Biryawaza to destroy Qadesh, and sacrifices a ...
