The Legend of Tayos
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The legend of the Tayos Cave started in 1969 when Janoz Moricz claimed to have found a huge metal library inside the cave, which contained the history of an ancient civilization. Moricz was never able to show any evidence of his discovery due to some problems with the government when organizing the expedition. Seven years later a big Ecuadorian/British expedition organized by Stanley Hall when inside of the caves. Over a 100 scientist and military exploring the place, and as the president of the expedition, Neil Armstrong himself. But there were no signs of the famous Metal Library. What was kept a secret till recently is that behind this two expeditions, there was a whole operation done my Moricz to take out pieces of the library and take them to Argentina. The Legend of Tayos uncovers the secret characters in the story of the Cave and searches for answers about the whereabouts of the famous Metal Library.

