Chirodini Tumi Je Amar 2
印度 / 143 分钟



A splash of liquid washes the canvas for an agonizing tale of love to unfold. Bhanu's pleas for mercy as he is interrogated by a local police unit, introduces an uncanny atmosphere. Thus begins the story of Bhanu, accused of assaulting a young woman named Jyoti, who recites his life story to the chief policeman, surrounding the events leading to his arrival at Kolkata where he was employed at a road side food stall. It turns out that Bhanu had fallen hopelessly in love with Jyoti, who worked as a domestic aid at a swanky complex nearby. The love of true and the feelings blossoming in the heart of Bhanu for Jyoti were sweet. However, somewhere else, a darker side of love comes to light as Raj, a rich spoilt brat utilizing his material excess to woo Shreya, both of whom resided at a ritzy apartment building in close proximity to Bhanu's fast food cart. Initially, Raj and Shreya started establishing a strong bond. Raj showered Shreya with material excess, and later revealed his dark ...

