Censor Must Die
泰国 / 150 分钟



When 'Shakespeare Must Die', a Thai film adaptation of 'Macbeth', that supreme song of tyranny, is banned by the Thai government for reasons of national security, producer Manit Sriwanichpoom treks through the corridors of power to unban his Shakespearean horror movie; from the Cultural Ministry, that had funded and then banned his film, to the Senate and the Human Rights Commission, all the way to the Administrative Court where he is suing the government for abuse of power. Wherever he went, amidst political upheaval in a land of fear, a camera followed him, into secret places long hidden from the sun, where witnesses are not welcome. The resulting cinema verite is the living story of a struggle for justice and human dignity, for the fundamental right to freedom of expression, which Thai filmmakers do not have.

