Mother of Desert
英国 / 56 分钟



Shabbir, a border security force's soldier was deployed in Thar desert. He has a mother and a fiancé back home. The border security force "Rangers" helps the desert people in several ways. Shabbir used to teach children during daytime. A native woman, Nandni, whose own son Govind is a smuggler but she is unaware of that. Her son usually takes stuff across border and comes back after few days. Nandni looks at Shabbir passing by his open air class, remembering her own son. Shabbir's only communication with his mother is by writing and receiving letters. His fiancé writes and reads letter for his mother. Nandni brings him sweet bread and things to eat and feels him as her own son. One day Shabbir, whilst on border duty during night, comes across Govind who is crossing border back to his home. Govind fire a bullet and Shabbir gets injured. Nandni, next day when passes by the class asks the other ranger where Shabbir is. He tells her that Shabbir is in hospital. Nandni goes to hospital ...
