Message of Hope
美国 / 92 分钟



A group of six children, pairing three girls and three boys, living in a well off community grow up with the benefits and luxuries that come with their birth right.The children attend a Christian school and are taught Biblical studies from the Faithful Pastor Anne. But, except for the compassionate attempts of one single girl, Sarah, who dreams of love and heavenly things, many of the poor in the surrounding suburbs are left forgotten and ignored by the materialistic and wealthy, yet uncaring adults, especially Sarah's father, James, who is hardened by the world around him. Although the children attend a Christian school, Sarah's views are widely uncommon amongst her friends, except for one boy, John, who pays close attention to Sarah's every move, and the two forge a spiritual bond, one they hope to maintain forever as someday Heaven awaits. When the children grow to age eighteen, High School seniors, Sarah begins to feel rejected by the world around her, with the exception of John ...
