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Potter's son Michel has a problem: he just can't be afraid, not even a tiny bit. His brother Caspar is annoyed by this, his father extremely worried. Only Princess Elisabeth, whom he happens to meet at a pond, is extremely amused and drawn to the fearless potter's son. When the sexton of the small hometown fails to teach Michel to fear, Michel spontaneously goes out into the world to learn how to fear. And in the middle of the moor, the first thing to do is to meet two dead bodies who are determined to do everything. Princess Elisabeth lives with her father, the king, in a makeshift tent city. The king's castle is occupied by ghosts. It is cursed and uninhabitable along with its treasure. The princess enjoys the adventure life, but the father is all a thorn in the side: A princess should live like a princess. The king only wants one thing: his castle back. He has promised his daughter to anyone who can put an end to the haunted house. But so far all of the candidates have failed.

