A Punters Prayer
英国 / 93 分钟



Based in a local bookmakers in North London on a Friday afternoon `A Punters Prayer` follows a group of friends going about their daily routine as they recreate in the local bookies. Yiannis (Andreas Karras) a soulful, garrulous Anglo Greek former factory owner, Jack (Tommy O`Neil) an outspoken, complex pessimistic long shot hunter - sporting two black eyes and a swollen nose after an apparent car accident and Ian (Jamie Crew) a gullible, ultra-optimistic young lad in his early twenties are an interesting trio. The three, vary in age and life experiences, yet bizarrely the dynamic of their friendship works well for them; laddish banter, discussion about family life, work, and of course the core topic of common interest amongst them - gambling. The gambling `bug` has a hold over each of them but they all differ in their approach to the habit. On this particular Friday afternoon, Jack decides to bet £250 on a horse win treble which if all three horses win, could net him approximately ...

