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What can happen to a woman, if she pours a pail with paint on an expensive car? She will, certainly, fall in love. Rich businessman - 45 years old Vladimir feels love to artist Svetlana, a teacher of the junior arts school. But Vladimir tries to suppress, suddenly sparkled feelings, he is married and his wife is dying from a hard disease. Nevertheless, the relations between Vladimir and his wife Olga are not so smooth... Olga is a former actress and is used to men's attention throughout her entire life. She didn't realy love her husband, but had married him out of compassion. Svetlana's personal life was not a bright one, and she sees in Vladimir her new love, new hope. But having learned about his marriage, Svetlana fights her feelings - in order to step aside. The characters will face uneasy psychological challenges, before they learn to apprehend each other.
