With Passing Days Comes Rain and Shine
美国 / 66 分钟



Cecelia Jones, a 25 year old recent graduate works a minimum wage job with no financial security or independence. Underemployed she struggles to keep face in light of her overbearing parents who push her to work in the sex industry instead of aspiring to a film career. Her father, Mr. Jones an alcoholic struggles to comprehend why Cecelia must continue to work minimum wage jobs and unpaid internships. Mr. Jones deeply concerned for Cecelia's prospects justifies his trips to the casinos as the only means to continue to support the family who is deep in debt. With no promise of a stable job career Cecelia sinks into depression while contemplating welfare options. In the meantime her younger brother Shaw decides to pursue work in the sex industry alarming Cecelia. As time passes friction between her and her mother, Marylyn Jones becomes increasingly toxic as Marylyn demands her daughter to find better employment or seek marriage as an alternative. With no other option Shaw decides ...
