Lakota Girls
美国 / 94 分钟



This is a historical drama about Mato Win, an eight-year-old Native American girl who lives at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. After her parents are critically injured in an accident, she is sent to live with a white family at a horse ranch in the Black Hills. She stays with Clara, an eight-year-old white girl and her family, but Mato Win is determined to get back to the reservation. She runs away to the mountainous forest but is found. Mato Win calls her brother, Tate, who is a rodeo rider to come get her. She is afraid she will be kept from her parents and does not trust Clara's older brother Cavan. Mato Win questions Clara about an old photo of two Indian men in her home. Clara tells the story of her great-great grandma, Emylon, who rode the train from Indiana to teach there, a hundred years ago. She fell in love with Frank, one of the Native American men in the photo and married him. Mato Win starts to understand why Clara says she feels the spirits too. Mato Win is...
