Expedition Jemen: 52 grader i skuggan
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"You'll die. Or get kidnapped by Al Qaeda. What you want to do is impossible!" That is what all experts, analysts and the Yemenis themselves told me. But I have done the impossible. I have made my way into what many say is one of the most difficult countries in the world to enter, and one of the most dangerous. Together with the Swedish journalist, Tanya Holm, Kensington the Camel and a few of the oldest inhabitants of Arabia, the Bedus, I have traveled through one of the hottest deserts on earth. We didn't meet any terrorists, religious extremists and nobody got killed. I didn't even feel any serious fear. What we found during this adventurous walk, in our search of the real Arabia, was a Middle Eastern country very different from the one portrayed in the global media. Yemen is far too often painted as the axis of evil in media as regards to Al Qaeda, deadly drones and being a country near collapse. This is wrong. It is true it is a divided country, this oldest of all Arab countries....
