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With the recent death of a family member, Will goes for a drive to rediscover who he is as a person. While on his journey, Will talks about the human experience, that effects everyone in some form or another. When each experience is brought up in Will's conversation with a higher power, a story plays out, showing us each human experience. We see the characters in each story battle with both internal and external forces that hold them back from their true, positive potential. Ben, a college student, struggles with expressing to others about his true identity. Destiny and her father Dan, both try to find the happy medium of living in a broken family atmosphere. James, a high school student, tries to live a normal teenage life with having two 'workaholic' parents who are never around. Married couple, Anthony and Sophia, deal with the racial profiling that plagues the United States. Newly wed couple Preston and Madison, cope with the recent loss of a child. Political figure, Senator Bell,...
