I Am Still Here
美国 / 104 分钟



10 year-old, African-American, Layla is one day abducted from her family while playing in a park. Terrified and desperate to break free, Layla is kept locked up by the volatile ringleader Ricky and his partner Donny. Layla's only comfort is with the small group of girls who are part of Ricky and Donny's child trafficking ring. Layla befriends sweet and innocent Beebee but remains enemies with Tina, Ricky's sister. Ricky and Donny bring in men to meet the girls and Layla finds a confidante in John Marley. However, a terrible event rips Layla and John apart and it's not until seven years later that they are reunited. Fearful of Ricky's jealousy for John, Layla escapes with him. This decision eventually leads to Layla, naked and nearly strangled to death, lying in an alley. Detective Amy Walker takes Layla's case and tries to ascertain what exactly happened to this young girl, who is temporarily mute from the trauma. Layla must revisit her tragic past to save the girls she has come to ...

