The Waves
阿根廷 / 71 分钟



Vera arrives at the seaside after driving all night long. She carries with her a small suitcase and a question: what happened to Ana, her mother? A desolate seaside town in mid-winter and the monotony of the days are the scenario in which Vera will have to empty her mother's house. From a self-imposed distance, Vera will start keeping and putting apart memories and from that same dimension she will observe the characters that inhabit the place and appear to her as mirages of another reality. It is a girl from town, Laura, who will provoke Vera and will create uneasiness in her. This will help her awaken form her own absence and allow her to get involved more and more with her mother's house and with her own history, up to now in shadows. Vera will start walking the town and the beach as she either rediscovers or denies the events before her eyes. In this detour she will meet different people who will introduce her to her mother's world. Putting the pieces together will help Vera build...
